Newborn Model / Newborn Posing Workshop

I believe as a photographer it’s important to never stop learning. I’m always studying new techniques to grow as an artist and master new skills. Recently I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel to St. Louis, MO for a newborn photography workshop taught by the very talented Stephanie Cotta. She’s an incredible teacher and I learned so much, made some new friends and had so much fun doing what I love…posing and photographing newborns. When it comes to newborns, safely handling and posing your baby is my number one priority. I would never let someone handle my precious newborn if they weren’t trained property on how to do so and I don’t expect any of my clients to either. If you are considering having newborn portraits done, my advice is do your research. Don’t just hire any photographer. Even if you don’t hire me. Make sure the one you hire has plenty of experience.

Here I share one of the model I got to work with. A beautiful little girl that was only a week old. Isn’t she precious?

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